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- From: Josh Olaf <info@cydonia.org>
- Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: Faces on Mars
- Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 05:27:46 -0700
- Organization: http://www.cydonia.org/
- Lines: 54
- Message-ID: <31CA9542.20DF@cydonia.org>
- References: <4pmltr$2ht@pacifica.access.ch> <4pstf2$237@flare.convex.com> <4puflb$cs1@news.emi.com> <maury-1906961738300001@news.iol.ie> <31C9E23C.2A26@cydonia.org> <maury-2106961124370001@news.iol.ie>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.conspiracy:121072 alt.alien.research:26372 alt.paranet.ufo:54021 sci.skeptic:73196 alt.alien.visitors:88784 alt.conspiracy.area51:11378 alt.ufo.reports:9594
- Maury Markowitz wrote:
- >
- > In article <31C9E23C.2A26@cydonia.org>, Josh Olaf <info@cydonia.org> wrote:
- >
- > > Your suprising image of Kermit the Frog on Mars doesn't hold up to scientific
- > > scrutiny. In fact, we can assume by looking at said image that you have been
- > > staring too long at your monitor...
- [snipped and answered in a previous post]
- > While here, what are the frame numbers of the pictures of the "face"
- > from other directions and times that show the same image?
- Oh boy! I get to post that AGAIN...
- The original frame, 35A72, is not the only angle
- available. Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar,
- both working for NASA at the Goddard Space Flight Center,
- found another image of the face *misfiled* in NASA's own
- archives. This photo, frame 70A13, taken over 35 orbits
- later than 35A72 "proves" that the face did not vanish when
- the orbiter's viewing position had changed over a month later.
- In fact, 70A13 showed more of the right side of the face,
- and the "shadowed" region in question from frame 35A72. There are
- also a number of low-res/high-alt photos available that also
- clearly show the face at different sun angles. Here, I'm just talking
- about the raw data, NOT the enhancements.
- Please refer to:
- NSSDC Photo Gallery: Mars
- http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/photo_gallery/PhotoGallery-Mars.html#controversy
- This information is in the public record.
- Whether or not the face is indeed a "face" is another
- issue altogether. I have been told, and have come to believe
- after analyzing the issue for sometime, that we simply don't have
- enough data to answer this question to the best of our ability.
- This I know to be true.
- Sure, it's possible that we are projecting a face onto an otherwise
- barren landscape, but I wouldn't rule out the slim and tenuous
- chance of artificial design. Not until the data comes back proving
- all the believers "wrong, wrong, wrong..." to quote a skeptic on this ng.
- [I'm pretty sure I posted this to sci.skeptic on June 1st.
- Also, I think I'm quoting Jim Rogers at the end there...]
- Josh